Educators K-12

Being an educator is a challenging and rewarding career. While some people might perceive that the day may end at 3 pm, we understand and respect the long hours and investment educators make in their students. No two days are ever the same. Starting with early mornings, preparing many different lessons each day, providing extra help for students, being advisors to clubs and having new and evolving curriculums to master requires time and dedication.

We respect that you are well educated on how to teach and how to guide your students in their academic endeavors. However, understanding the nuances of investments and retirement plans might not be your forte.

That is where we can help. While we may not know how to create a solid lesson plan, we do know how to create financial plans. Working in alliance with one of the largest providers of employer sponsored retirement plans in New Jersey, we have the experience and capabilities to help you. We have helped thousands of teachers create their own customized retirement plan.

We Bring Experience, Focus and Access

  • Pension: We have a deep understanding of the New Jersey pension system and can provide pension calculation assistance. For employees that had a gap in employment, perhaps from maternity leave, we can guide you through the pension buy back process.
  • Work visits: Our firm provides on-site appointments and visits to your school or offices. We are regularly available to discuss your account on-site or can arrange for a longer appointment at your home.
  • Supplemental Savings: We understand the tax code to help you implement catch-up provisions or defer your unused sick, vacation or terminal leave pay into your retirement plan to avoid excess taxation.