Education Funding

What Are You Planning For?

Saving while balancing the escalating costs of college education can seem daunting. That frequently results in many of our clients facing similar obstacles. Some wait too long to begin a college savings plan while others begin a plan but do not save regularly. We take a comprehensive examination of your finances to help you develop a plan. We can explain the many options available to create a comprehensive plan for saving for your child’s education without jeopardizing your retirement.


What We Can Do For You

We’ll help you take the guesswork out of planning for future educational needs – whether it’s for yourself or for a family member (child, ward, grandchild). We do this by creating a forward-looking financial plan of estimated education costs and expenditure. Our team at Equity Wealth Solutions can help you put tax-advantaged strategies in place that are in accordance with a myriad of Federal and State laws.  

There are a number of Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) and Educational Savings Plans (ESPs) available for investment. We can help you make sense of these and will explain a variety of funding options including:

  • 529 Plans or “qualified tuition plans”
  • Prepaid Tuition Plans and Educational Savings Plans
  • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (Coverdell ESA)
  • Roth IRAs
Education Funding Management | Equity Wealth Solutions NJ