Risk Management

Where Protecting Your Family and Your Finances Come First

If there’s one thing certain about life – it’s the uncertainty that it brings. Even the best laid plans can sometimes go wrong! Luckily, while you can plan wisely and thoroughly, you can also hedge your bets against the unintended through prudent insurance planning. 


What We Can Do For You

Our experienced financial professionals can assist you in prioritizing your needs and present a comprehensive plan to help manage your risks. We provide solid strategies for the here and now as well as having an eye on the future.

  • Life Insurance Products: Life insurance can offer solutions to a wide array of financial objectives. It can provide immediate cash to help pay financial obligations and maintain a standard of living when an unexpected death occurs, it can help fund college educations or create additional retirement income streams. It can help preserve what you’ve worked so hard to build and leave a legacy.
  • Annuities: Annuities can help create a guaranteed* income stream during retirement. This can supplement money you might be earning from your pension and Social Security benefits.
  • Health Insurance: Perhaps you are in between jobs or are in need of health insurance or supplemental plans. We can help talk you through your options and help you understand COBRA benefits as well.
  • Disability Income: It is important to understand your coverage in the case of your inability to work. Having a plan in place can help minimize financial concerns during an already strenuous time.
  • Long-Term Care Insurance: Our clients view this topic as a gorilla in the room: it creates nervousness but can’t be ignored. Many of our clients can worry about long-term care for themselves and for their parents. The expense of assisted living facilities is larger than college educations and wading through Medicare and Medicaid options can be confusing and frustrating. We have the knowledge and experience to help you make sound financial decisions.

*All guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing company

Risk Planning Management Services | Equity Wealth Solutions